A bit of a catch-all really, covering many types of island-themed inspiration–the island you imagine will be the one you are most familiar with.

* Textiles, room schemes and homes are often designed, coloured and executed with the idea of islands in mind. The word is evocative of the sea, space, open-ness, light, frugality, local distinctiveness, life lived by the sea, and of sheep, goats, community, bleakness and abundance, belonging and isolation; inter dependence and independence in equal measure.

* A northern island look might include rough homespun-looking wools and tweeds, chunky knit wear, blues, greys, subtle stripes and weaves, gradations of colours, stone colours from browns to greys and greens with heathland yellows and mauves in between. See moorland and Icelandic.

* A tropical island would be completely different, with bright colours in textiles and flora, music and fiesta, life lived outside under the bougainvillea and fig trees, vines and banana plants, with abundant vegetation and painted adobes. Bright pink, orange, yellow, turquoise, lime green and white would be the starting points. See Carribean

Each island-inspired theme will be multi-faceted and multi-layered, full of colour, tone and texture, whilst simultaneously remaining contained and self sufficient.

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