This family of words is very closely related, with differences between them at times so subtle as to be negligible; it is, however, worth briefly listing them for the purposes of this text and clarification.


The process and the accuracy of manipulating material to form along with the final adjustments, so that it becomes the perfect fit.

To fit–to put into place–to locate with care and reason; the act and process of fitting.


An accessory or an assembly of parts–a curtain pole with its rings and associated parts is a fitment. Also called the fittings.


An item shaped closely to the form as in:

a) a fitted sheet has seams at each corner to take out excess material.

b) a loose cover is fitted to the chair for which it is being made: pinned to begin with, and then sleeved over to check the fit at various stages during the making/construction process.


The person who makes the fit and/or assembles the fixings.


1. The process and the accuracy of manipulating material to form along with the final adjustments, so that it becomes the perfect fit.

2. To fit–to put into place–to locate with care and reason; the act and process of fitting

3. The work carried out by a fitter–whether a tailor or curtain hanger.


The items that hold the main fitting in place and the items being fitted.



To fix is to make stable by whatever means; the process of fitting fixings.

The fix – first fix – second fix etc. just describe the stages of fixing.



An item securely fitted in place to another item, e.g. piping to a cushion edge, or a pole to a wall.


A fixed curtain heading is one that is fixed at each end to prevent it being pulled across the window. The curtains may be left down for privacy or draught or opened by other means – festoon or Italian stringing.

The fixing might be’ permanent ‘ say with studs or nails or with hooks that can be taken out easily if the fixed heading is a more temporary requirement.


The fixing is the means of attaching one object to another.


The fixings are the items needed to fit the fitment into place–say screws, wall plugs, touch and close tape, pins, threads, etc.


An object fitted firmly into place.


In interiors and in law this describes those items which are not part of the essential architecture but are necessary additions for lifestyle–such as kitchen units, curtain poles, blinds…


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