Spice colours and flavours introduce a ‘bite’, a sense of exoticism, redolent of the colour and warmth of the Middle and Far East. Cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, saffron, cloves and nutmeg are not just lovely flavourings and aromatic delights but fantastic...


Very small spots and marks in random formation, such as freckles, or the marks on a birds egg shell. It is used much like spatter  finishes, as a background and foil to other larger patterns, and is often both more interesting and more suited to informal...


The Italian word for mirror, a metallic, reflective leather.    ...


To scatter, splash, or sprinkle liquid in an overall pattern of tiny droplets. Textile and paint spatter finishes might be influenced by and designed to look like a bird’s egg, a pebbled beach, sand, or dewdrops. Spattered finishes provide a good background...

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