A room or space made comfortable with books and used for quiet work, reading and writing. As a room, a study often becomes a cosy small sitting space for winter evenings, and alongside the pre-requisite books and writing desk, very comfortable sofas and chairs, and if...


Upholstery studs that are used for practical or decorative purpose. Called either studs or nails, any significant difference between the two is lost in colloquial speech, although studs tend to be larger and are for show. Folded or raw edges are often finished with a...


A small accommodation with just the one room or perhaps one room that doubles as bedroom, and sitting room with wet areas separated. A comfortable version of the studio couch, or a day bed provides both a sofa and bed in these...


A sofa without back and arms that can easily be converted into a bed–a studio couch can be as simple as two mattresses laid on top of each other with some sort of a bedcover and cushions. A convenient, practical piece of furniture for small spaces and...


The space an artist or designer uses to work, to think, to create and to produce works of artistry in whatever medium–in music, textiles, paint, film, all visual and spoken media, dance, sculpture, painting and all fine and applied art. For designer makers, the...

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