USA – batting Describes any material with a degree of resistance, spring, or bounce and thermal qualities used to pad out or thicken. Here are some of its common types and uses in interior furnishings: 1. Polyester wadding: broadly speaking is the easiest to...


The reign of the English Queen Victoria (1819–1901) presided over a time of substantial growth of British industry, international economic and cultural expansion, a rise in the middle and merchant classes, levels of education, travel, and the development of...


A fabric with a plain or twill woven two-coloured check called Vichy in France, but that we also know as gingham. Originally made of linen or hemp, now also in cotton, and mixed fibres. So-named after the French town of Vichy, that became well known for these basic...


From the Italian meaning ‘little worms’. In the kitchen, this refers to fine lengths of pasta or chocolate strands. In textiles, vermicelli quilting is a technique for creating a background with twists and turns, that really do look more like writhing...


The lovely greenish–blueish surface weathering that occurs naturally when copper, brass or bronze meets with air, water or seawater. It can be artificially made using acetic acid as the catalyst. The Statue of Liberty is a prime example, as are many beautiful...

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