The ability of a fabric to repel water comes from one of three sources: its inherent properties, weave, and finish. Wool, for example, is inherently water repellent; however a felted wool will clearly hold out water for far longer than an open gauze. Finishes applied...


Eichhornia, sea grass, or Jacinth is an invasive aquatic flowering plant which stems are used to make flooring and outdoor furniture. Native to the sub-tropical regions, it is one of the fastest growing and expanding plants known to us. In southeast Asia, the hyacinth...


Fabric, like any other product processed with water–such as cheese, Guinness, whisky–is affected by the mineral content of the water used in its preparation and washing. Guinness’ success is partly attributed to the gentle waters of the Liffey,...


Each textile comes with washing or cleaning instructions. If you will need to wash a fabric frequently, choose something tried and tested and pre-shrunk like linen, gingham, hemp…and follow the given directions! As a matter of fact, very few fabrics...


A fabric in which the warps have been printed prior to weaving; also a technical description of Chiné. A simple description of a complex and time rich process: the fabric length is fully woven with substitute weft threads, the pattern is printed, the weft threads...

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