Refers to the generally accepted way of doing things or measuring, which incidentally may not require or comply with any particular standard apart from tradition and experience.


An attached, full frill used in fashion for collars that cascades from the neckline the cuff or skirt hem finishes. It is longer than a ruff and generally made of lighter material for a softer effect. Use as a pretty treatment to finish or decorate curtains,...


A short stiff or stiffened frill that is designed to stand up, typically seen finishing a collar or cuff. It will be made from a crisp fabric such as organdie or other slightly crisp linen or cotton, and may be starched for a stiffer look. It is shorter and...


Or rouching. A sewing technique, that creates small pleats, ruching happens when fabric is gathered or folded back on itself informally. 1. Fabric that is gathered or pleated between two fixed edges, as much or as little as needed for effect. It is used in lampshades...

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