A marsh and wetland grass-like flowering plant, which many varieties and types have been harvested, dried and woven by civilisations throughout the ages on home looms, at kitchen tables or on the ground to make floor mats, bedding mats and shelters. * Rush material is...


A deep reddish brown colour named after an English apple with the same colouring. It’s the colour of rusted metal and also the colour of autumn, as trees turn ready for the fall, and of the edges of vine leaves just before the grape harvest. It is also an old...


From the countryside, an adjective to describe inherently home grown, homemade and homespun furnishings for family or local community use, in styles and with materials typical of a particular geographical area. * Rustic furniture and furnishings were born of...


As metals such as iron or steel are affected by the elements they begin to corrode and produce a layer of reddish-brown oxide called rust. This can be prevented by painting, galvanising or lacquering these metals; however, where there are cracks the surface will...


A finish for metals such as iron and steel that protects against rust. This can be paint, varnish, lacquer, powder coating, galvanising, or nickel, chrome, copper or silver plating–depending entirely on budget and...

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