Describes chairs with high backs that continue or extend around and over the arms, spreading out like a ‘wing’ at the top and tapering to the chair back by the time they reach the arm. Wing chairs were developed primarily to protect the head and neck from draught, so they are tall, the back always higher than the head.. There have been various styles of shaped tops, arms, legs and upholstery finishes over the centuries.
The seat is traditionally quite high and firm, they are comfortable in whatever variation, as the head rest and seat height ensure the chair is easy to get in and out of.
As there have been many, many sizes and shapes over the centuries and no set standard, each person needs to find the one that best suits their particular size and needs. New and antique wing chairs can be found from bathroom and boudoir size to very high and wide, and in ‘ladies’ and ‘gentlemen’s’ proportions to suit the very tall to the very small.
The scale of a wing chair is helpful in design terms, especially in a high ceilinged hallway or close to a huge chimney piece. They work particularly well close to an open fire, as one’s back is protected, especially those with larger seats that have enough space to snuggle into.
Wing chairs are most appropriate for studies, halls, and libraries, even at the dining table – any room with some height will easily take wing chairs.