Wooden beds with a high head and footboard, so named as the ends are often shaped like a classic sleigh, joined with deep sidebars within which the mattress sits, hidden from view. As they are partially enclosed, sleigh beds feel comfortable, benefit from some...


Any series of narrow strips of wood, bamboo or metal that are fixed in parallel lines. For bed bases they run across the bed, so that the natural spring is created along the length of the bed. With blinds and louvres they run horizontally so that they can be tipped,...


In furnishings, refers to the area between the chair/sofa seat and the legs, also the finish that covers this area of upholstered or loose covered fabrics. The skirt can be pleated, frilled, bound, in simple or elaborate finishes, but can also be less visible, even...


To dissolve a substance in water. In order to use lime in lime wash, plaster, neutralizer, or for any other purpose, it first needs to be slaked, i.e. dissolved into water so it becomes calcium hydroxide. This is a highly corrosive process that should be done in a pit...


The wooden architrave at the foot of walls, a finishing architectural detail that also protects the wall from wear and tear during cleaning–damage from brushes or vacuum cleaners. Skirting is a feature of formal architecture; in cottages and castles stone, cob...

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