Or slip cover A removable, washable cover for chairs, sofas and bedheads. Furniture covers can be tailored to fit exactly and as close to the upholstery as possible, or made oversized and loose. Either option will suit a country house, but the tailored option is...


Or loose cover. A removable, washable cover for chairs, sofas and bedheads. Slipcovers can be tailored to fit exactly and as close to the upholstery as possible, or made oversized and loose. Either option will suit a country house, but the tailored option is the only...


A loose-fitting worktop that falls above the knees, worn across the world. Smocks are all simply made but vary hugely according to local custom, skill and the maker’s inclination, from the simplest pull-over four-seamed garment to ones with gathers, movement...


Yarn that is of uneven width, either because it has been spun to include supplementary short lengths of fibre at random intervals,, or because the fibres are of lesser quality and of shorter lengths than those that produce the finest yarns. Slub threads or yarns can...


A closely woven, fine, satin from silk, wool or cotton with a soft sheen rather then than the high glossy finish of some other satin weaves. Of all satins it’s probably the best option for elegant furnishings; being less slippery it is also easier to work with....

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