A fibre derived from the leaves of the Mexican plant Agave sisalana, or Agave. Traditionally used for twine and rope, it now has many uses–paper, cloth, wall coverings, carpets, drums and in the household–body brushes, slippers an cleaning cloths; also...


“From far off, through circuitous corridors, came the scent of citrus-blossom and jasmine, with sometimes a bird’s song before dawn, sometimes a flute’s wail at sunset, and always the call of the muezzin in the night...


A visual sense of order based on mirroring, where similar forms, shapes, colours face each other around an axis. This in an extremely important principle of Classical architecture, employed to create calm and ordered spaces as frameworks to hold intricate decorative...


Describes something made by chemical reaction, to replicate a natural form or to create something new and not naturally occurring–although of course the basic chemical components usually are.


The co-operation, interaction of two or more agents to create more than the sum of their parts. It is the endlessly hopeful possibility that two or more forms or materials will come together to create ‘magic’. Closely linked with serendipity and trial...

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