Camel bags are hung from the camel seats, and there are typical of northern India; always wooden or upholstered structures that fit over  the hump. The camel driver usually walks. These are bags used by nomadic tribes and desert travellers in many different...


A fabric that takes it’s name from Cambrai, a French town equidistant from Brussels and Paris, renowned for both weaving and lace making since the end of the 16thC. Made from linen or cotton, a closely woven plain weave white fabric finished on one side by...


A rough tweed made from the wool of sheep from the mid-Welsh uplands. Sometimes dyed, but often left in their natural colourings and woven in plain weave, twill or hopsack for hardwearing clothes and bedcovers. The coarsest fibres are used for floor rugs.  ...


A monochromatic pattern, where the design is built up using two to three tones of the same colour as the ground cloth. Cameo and chiaroscuro are closely related techniques. grisaille is the term for layers of grey and cirage for yellows.    ...


A general term for early printed fabrics with calico as the base cloth from India. The 17thC East India Companies brought these textiles back from the East Indian Coromandel Coast. They were lightweight, colourful and did not shrink or bleed when washed, thanks to...

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