The process prior to weaving, in which naturally unruly fibres are pulled though a comb to clean and straighten them, to align them neatly together, and to catch and remove very short lengths. After carding, all fibres are soft and ordered and ready to be spun. Wool,...


From the Latin kaput, for head and the Greek Kapita, the top of s column or pilaster. Its’ purpose is to broaden the surface are at the top, to take the weight, spread the load,  of the structure...


Capsicum are peppers – native to the Americas, cultivated world wired for culinary and medicinal purpose, of which the spiciest are chillies. Also the name of a great little shop close to the centre of  Amsterdam on the bridge at Oude Hoogstraat...


A large welcoming place offering accommodation, protection, food and water, supplies and care to travellers, pilgrims and merchants and their animals, located along the trading routes from East to West; they were the reward for a hard day’s travelling. These...


A cloth that can be made of linen, hemp or cotton that has been coarsely or evenly woven. It is available in many varieties for many purposes, as unbleached, coarse cotton or more finely woven and dyed in strong colours, always as a base cloth for furnishings, arts...

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