One of the five Classical orders; the third chronologically, the Corinthian column is slender and fluted, topped with a deep capital carved with four scrolls and four rows of outward looking acanthus...


A thin rope made of the twisted strands of any fibre; also woven or twisted strands of silk used to make ties, to hold cushions and seat covers to the chair and stool legs, and as detailed edging around loose and upholstered furnishing. To cord something is to apply...


In embroidery and with beading, copper wire adds a lustre as it is an element that catches the light unexpectedly; copper wire can also be knitted to make an edging or a collar.    ...


The beautiful soft, just off white of the coconut flesh is often used to inspire the right white and to describe paint, fabric and threads which we’d like to think match it. The outer shell too,  is inspirational with it’s earthiness and subtle...

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