The openings in the top of a battlement wall, originally to allow archers to take arm. Use as inspiration for the edgings of blinds and any other appropriate...


A style of shaped edging inspired by the scalloped margins of leaves.  ...


Fabrics that are either treated with a chemical finish or are woven with a fibre that is naturally springy–such as...


From the Russian, krashenina, meaning ‘dyed coarse linen’– crash is a plain weave made in various weights and used primarily for book binding, also for flat towelling and roller or roman blinds. Low cost, ready availability and bright colouring...


Adjective–craquelé. A finishing technique that in painted decoration creates fine lines in the surface of paint to mimic age. In textiles, the surface of cloth goes through a crimping process that can either simulate age or tree bark.    ...

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