A paint consisting of a suspension of lime in water that covers the surface with a thin membrane. Always use on lime plastered walls, over cob and wattle and daub, or adobe walls that need to breathe in order to function as they should. Like with like, the materials...


The widths of lengths of fabric are determined by tradition and weave. For our purposes the printed, machine-made fabric comes to the consumer at between 135 and 145 cm (c.a. 53-57”) wide. Weaves can come in any width, but usually around 110-280 cm (c.a....


Refers to slender lengths of wood pliable enough to be woven into wickerwork, and to weave baskets. Willow, Salix viminalis and S. purpurea­ – osiers – are grown and pollarded for their long straight shoots, which are harvested when young, stripped...


Refers to pale coloured woods such as tulipwood, pear wood and cotton wood, that are suited for painted decoration, and smooth enough to make small items of furniture that are destined to be fabric...


Or whitening. Refers to ground white chalk–pure calcium carbonate–used as a pigment for painting canvasses, to make gesso and in whitewash....

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