by Heather Luke | Jun 25, 2015
Velvet that as been squashed – stamped or rolled to force the pile in different directions: this means the surface of crushed velvet is always uneven, and the light reflects off it at all angles; there is no special nap. Crushed velvet has all of the qualities...
by Heather Luke | Jun 25, 2015
There are a few easy definitions for cross, which holds quite diverse meanings. 1. To cut on the cross, the bias, is to cut at 45o to the grain of the textile. By cutting on the cross, the ‘straight of grain’ is transferred from the strict,...
by Heather Luke | Jun 25, 2015
A needlepoint and embroidery stitch formed by making two stitches of equal length that cross each other at right angles in the centre. These can be formed within a needlepoint canvas, counted stitch work or in less organised surface...
by Heather Luke | Jun 25, 2015
A technique for creating a wool or cotton fabric. A cross between knitting and lace making, crochet uses a hooked tool to loop and interlace knitting wool, embroidery or lace making threads. Hand knitted and crochet are difficult to manage en masse, so are usually...
by Heather Luke | Jun 25, 2015
A loosely woven, stiff cotton fabric similar to cheesecloth, used for interfacing and for stiffening. Originally made of horsehair and linen, crinoline was used as an underskirt with wooden hoops stitched in, to hold long skirts out around it, creating the signature...