The frame that holds fabric true to shape whilst it is drying and gives the tiny holes that scan be seen along the selvedge. Fabrics that arrive on your worktable with the weft grain at anything other than 90º to the selvedge have not been diligently finished or...


The technique of hanging fabrics around walls and covering ceilings in a tent-like manner. Any shape of room can be tented for decoration, softness and sound deadening purposes, and as a great way of covering up a poor ceiling, or even temporary works. This is an...


Meaning ‘white earth’, refers to powdered gypsum, a mineral commonly used as a whitening agent, to make paper, paints, plaster of Paris and in medicines. It is also a generic term for other minerals and clays such as kaolin, magnesia, pipe clay and talc...


Terms of trade are important to establish from the start, and should be based on the premise of equal and fair exchange: your skill for...


Without tension the result is unsure, even insecure. 1. Refers to how tightly or loosely a person knits or stitches 2. Describes tautness or stress. A degree of psychological ‘tension’ is an essential ingredient in successful art and interior furnishings....

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