Typically, amateur sporting events consisting of a series of boat races, synonymous with a fun summer’s day out for competitors and spectators alike. The boating jackets traditionally worn at the Henley Regatta (England) and other smart venues along the Thames...


All flat reeds, grasses and agave have been woven into useful items since time immemorial   Tall slender grasses that grow in water, marshes, wetlands or swamps and have hollow stems. When cut and dried, they can be used for thatching, to stuff mattresses, and...


A regenerated cellulose fibre derived from wood pulp, first manufactured in France in the 19thC as a cheaper alternative to silk. As a woven or knitted fabric, rayon shares many properties with natural fibres such as silk, wool, cotton, linen and bamboo. It produces a...


Noisy, showy, exciting–sometimes, a bit of ‘show biz’ is just what’s needed!


Along with flotsam and jetsom, refers to bits and pieces of cloth, leftovers, worn out or whatever we use to turn into new projects in our series “From the Cutting Room Floor.” Also used to describe any design that is deliberately...

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