A textile floor covering that is both practical and decorative, and tends not to extend over the entire floor nor to be fixed. Rugs are carpets, certainly carpeting, but not in the wall- to- wall fitted sense, and the words are interchangeable for woven and knotted...


A long thin piece of textile. As carpets they ‘run along’ corridors; on stairs they fit within the stair width and are held in place at the back of each tread with removable bars; on tables and chests they lie along the centre for decoration and to...


A printed pattern should always run with the horizontal grain–the weft–as well as the vertical–the warp, though it reality it often doesn’t, so we say the pattern has ‘run off’. This is due to an imprecise alignment of the...


A way of life connected with the land, especially when the vegetation and, or the live stock provide the living. It is typically a spare existence with no waste and little luxury,  the story of tribal life and especially nomadic life, of all  agrarian...


When a length of fabric or flooring is commissioned , a major part of the cost will cover the making and printing setting up costs. It is possible to order a small amount of metreage, but there will also be a ‘run-on’ from the minimum order, which will...

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