The resin secreted by the lac insect, it is a traditional, natural, breathable varnish, often used by specialist paint finishers to protect painted furniture and paint finishes. Lac is used to dye fabrics to the prettiest pink shades; the insect, Kerria lacca is part...


An easy and most decorative hand-sewing hemming technique for fabric edges that will be on show, for particularly fine, springy weaves or cloth that is simply too delicate to put through a sewing machine; use also for lampshades, dressing table skirts, etc. The hem...


1. The hard outer covering of molluscs, crustaceans and sea creatures such as turtles and tortoises, and the shells of coconuts, or other seedpods. They make into interesting accessory items, and inspire colour schemes and design ideas with their shapes and...


To use sheets  and sheeting for furnishings makes perfect sense- the fabrics are already tried and tested for heavy wear, they are easy to use, come in a range of good colours and are relatively inexpensive–as such, they have solved many a...


  These are informal and fun, the long ties keep them from being too serious, the pin tucks contain the volume of fabric at the top;  the poles and rings just work with the build environment they are in… our studio.       Describes any...

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