A naturally formed or man-made gulley that fills with running water. In textiles, refers to double layers of cloth in which the under layer shows through in a straight or undulating, even or random width...


The face side of any fabric refers to the one intended, by the designer and the weaver, to be seen; it is usually–but not always–the sleekest looking side. The choice of right side however, is yours alone, it’s just the side you prefer to see....


A trimming braid woven in a zigzag pattern, which we use for upholstery and is always a fun edging for children’s furnishings.      


The rib section happens at the end of arms and other knitted panels to fit the work and to keep that part of it stretchy. Rows of alternate plain and pearl stitches are knitted, one of top of the other to create a vertical ribbed structure    ...

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