Embroidery in which wool yarns are stitched through an open canvas to create pattern that fully covers the whole area of canvas. The design is first drawn out onto paper and in the past was set below the plain canvas, to be copied. Afficcionados still prefer to work this way, but it’s more usual to have the design painted or printed directly onto the canvas. Kits that include pre- printed canvas and the correct amount of threads are very popular, and certainly a good way to start. From this it’s not difficult to design and paint or colour your own design onto your own canvas, and it’s probably the only cost effective way to make sure yours is unique.

It’s perfectly possible to have a canvas designed for you, and at the top end of the scale specialist needlepoint canvasses are always hand painted and often unique.

As is the case with all traditional techniques that span generations, countries and continents there are many different techniques and many more designs, names and styles.

Some of those that come under the needlepoint banner, however loosely, are : Berlin wool work, petit-point, gros-point, cross stitch, bargello….

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